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This section includes my planning for five different Units of Learning at both, Junior and Senior levels.

Click on the number to read more.


Multicultural Collage 

This unit of learning is about black female visual artists who use paper and collage in their art practice. It aims to open up to discover more about their process and art. Students gain a better understanding of why certain artists incorporate personal, political, or historical narratives into their work. Additionally, explore how they utilize their art materials and mediums to create beautiful and poignant artworks. 

To-go Cups

Creating a Brand (Branding)

This unit focuses on the manual process of creating a brand identity. The topic focuses on guiding students through the steps of developing a brand, from understanding the basics of branding to making their own brand in peers. They will be defining a target audience, choosing brand aesthetics, and crafting visual elements such as logos and color schemes, and products. The overall goal is for students to create a coherent brand identity .



In this unit of learning, we'll be repurposing objects, and making use of reclaimed materials. The UoL seeks to transform 'waste' or unused objects into works of art. The use of reclaimed materials art is all about deconstruction and reconstruction, integration, and layers. We look into the works of diverse intercultural artists. Behind giving new life to everyday items, we'll also explore the unique perspectives that intercultural artists bring. What stories do these objects tell? What narrative do we want to convey through them? What past experiences do these objects hold? We will be giving meaning to repurposed items and exploring the narratives they hold/new narratives we want to give them


Cubist self-portraits


​The fundamental objective of this UoL is to generate a space for the enjoyment of art as a manifestation of one's own person, providing the place and time so that each student can appropriate abstraction, exteriorizing without their thoughts, emotions and feelings through abstract painting, moving away from literal interpretation. Find a language that allows expressing what cannot be said with words, favoring spontaneous expression and space-time organization, among other things. It is about using art as a vehicle, an instrument, to help the person find a more compatible relationship between their inner and outer world. The Unit of Learning will be based on self portaits of the students that they will interpret and abstract. Over the course of the project, students will be introduced to the work of Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque and the Cubist Movement.

Wheat Field with Cypresses

Post - impressionism, landscape painting

In this UoL students will learn about Post-Impressionism, based on the works of two artists in particular Paul Cezanne and Van Gogh. Students will learn about Vincent Van Gogh and Paul Cezanne as they create a landscape painting in their style. Also, they will learn about the contemporary artis Martin Cole .They will learn the distinctive style of their popular paintings, defined by thick brushstrokes and a vivid color palette, luminous landscapes, expressive portraits, and vibrant still lifes that are representative of the artists. The theme will be landscapes of natural environments. Personal expression and interpretation through his paintings and how they represent the external reality from the inside.

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