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teacher philosophy

'Art has the potential to unify'

My practice largely relies on creating a safe space, an accepting and welcoming environment where students are taught to value diversity and equity. I hold a particular interest in exploring interculturality and inclusivity in the curriculum. 

An accepting and welcoming environment is essential for every student, regardless of their ability or skill level. My purpose is to encourage personal growth and promote self-confidence through art. Without a holistic, and inclusive environment, this cannot happen.

I believe that us, as teachers possess the power to change the lives of our pupils. Due to this reason, I implement conscious practice, engaging in intentional teaching regarding innovation, diversity, representation, and inclusivity. So, accordingly all the students have the oportinity and space to function at their maximum capacities.


Growing up in Spain, I learned to love and appreciate art in all manifestations. However, at the age of 16, without speaking  any English, I moved to Ireland and the art classroom automatically became my safe space. There I was free to create and be myself in a new and unknown place.

I became aware of how crucial it is to embrace, involve and aid learners who have English as a second language. There is a lack of visibility for non-normative students in the classroom and in the curriculum. Representation is pivotal, as it helps learners approach topics such as culture with sensitivity, respect, and knowledge. Consequently, I recognize the need for inclusive, holistic and multicultural learning.


During my last experience teaching in a school, half of the learners were from Intercultural backgrounds. The lack of voice on issues of multiculturalism, as well as female representation the curriculum , resulted frustraiting. Since the students found difficulty in relating to the learned content. I place huge value in being a Teacher with an intercultural background, pupils identified with my experience as an immigrant.

The purpose for my future practice focuses, above all, on diversity. My current research is based the Munticulturalism in the Classroom, composed of Lesson Plans that include Diversity Representation, the aforementioned Lesson Planswill be used during my next placement as part of my Research.


I value art as a means for expression, standing as an approach for students to resonate individually, and with one another. The contribution of pupils in the art-making process becomes a piece of each individual narrative or story, subsequently helping the construction of community in the Art Classroom.


In my art classroom I aim for students to learn through Personal Exploration, Collaboration, Intercultural Methods and References, Nurturing Skills and Experimentation.




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